Trečiasis Baltijos šalių tyrimų etikos komitetų seminaras
- Research on human biological materials: Lithuanian perspective (J. Serepkaite, Lithuanian Bioethics Committee)
- Ethical issues of research on human biological materials: Latvian case (S. Mezinska, Riga Eastern Hospital Foundation REC)
- Ethical issues of research on human biological materials (A. Keis, Tartu University REC)
- Clinical research on children: possible problems with informed consent (T. Juhansoo, J. Polluste, M. Liibek, Tallin Ethics Committee on Medical Research)
- Issue of representation of RECs in public domain - creating a web resource for national system of ethical review in Latvia (V. Silis, Riga Stradins University)
- Networking of the Baltic and European RECs: the needs and possibilities (A. Čekanauskaitė, E. Gefenas, A. Keis, Lithuanian Bioethics Committee, Tartu University REC)
- Conflict of interests in the industry sponsored research: what RECs should know and what they really know about financial aspects of the research projects? (E. Peičius, Kaunas regional biomedical research ethics committee)
Atnaujinimo data: 2023-10-10