Klinikinės etikos institucionalizavimas ir sklaida (lietuvių k.)
Dauwerse L. Moving ethics. State of the art of clinical ethics support in the Netherlands. Uitgeverij BOXPress, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 2013. (Atvira prieiga)
Slowther AM, McClimans L, Price Ch. Development of clinical ethics services in the UK: a national survey. J Med Ethics. 2012;38:210-214. (Straipsnio santrauka)
Dauwerse L, Abma T, Molewijk B, Widdershoven G. Need for ethics support in healthcare institutions: views of Dutch board members and ethics support staff. J Med Ethics (2011). (Straipsnio santrauka)
Kalager G, Forde R. Is the discussion of patient cases in clinical ethics-committees useful? Tidsskr Nor Legeforen nr. 2, 2011; 131: 118–21
Forde R, Pedersen R. Clinical Ethics Committees in Norway: What Do They Do, and Does It Make a Difference? Camb Q Healthc Ethics. 2011;20(3):389-95. (Straipsnio santrauka)
Dorries A, Simon A, Neitzke G, Vollman J. Implementing clinical ethics in German hospitals: content, didactics and evaluation of a nationwide postgraduate training programme. J Med Ethics. 2010;36:721-726.
Gaudine A, Thorne L, LeFort SM, Lamb M. Evolution of hospital clinical ethics committees in Canada. J Med Ethics. 2010 Mar;36(3):132-7. (Straipsnio santrauka)
Whitehead JM, Sokol DK, Bowman D, Sedgwick P. Consultation activities of clinical ethics committees in the United Kingdom: an empirical study and wake-up call. Postgrad Med J. 2009 Sep;85(1007):451-4. (Straipsnio santrauka)
Førde R, Pedersen R, Akre V. Clinicians' evaluation of clinical ethics consultations in Norway: a qualitative study. Med Health Care Philos. 2008;11(1):17-25. (Straipsnio santrauka)
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Atnaujinimo data: 2024-01-05