Recommendations and opinions
Recommendations of the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee, Vilnius and Kaunas Regional Research Ethics Committees "Informing Children about Participation in Biomedical Research", LT (2021)
Lithuanian Bioethics Committee's Statement on the importance of the responsible communication about the COVID-19 vaccination with patients and public. Publication in the journal "Nursing. Science and Practice" Vol.2 No.3 (291) (2021)
Recommendations of the Board of the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee "Compliance with ethical principles in non-biomedical research involving human health“ LT (2020); -Publication in the journal "Public Health", No. 2(93) (2021), 71-76 psl.
Recommendations of the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee on the Informed Consent Form (2018-01-16)
Recommendations of the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee on advertisements inviting to participate in clinical trials on medicinal products (2018-01-16)
Recommendations of the Board of the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee on direct-to-consumer genetic tests (2017)
Recommendations of the Board of the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee "Cord Blood Banks: Ethical and Legal Aspects" (2017-07-19)
Information note "Cord blood banking: what do expectant parents need to know?"
Recommendations of the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee on the informed consent form for participation in biobanking (2017-02-21)
Recommendations of the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee - Suggestions for the inclusion of training in communication skills in the professional development programmes of doctors and other health professionals (2017)
Recommendations of the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee on Improving communication between healthcare staff and patients (2016)
Recommendations of the Board of the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee on ensuring confidentiality of patient information and public commenting on the patient's health status (2016-04-11)
Recommendations of the Board of the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee on Ethical Principles of Advertising Healthcare Services to the Public (2016-04-11)
Recommendations of the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee on the Informed Consent Form (2016-11-15)
Recommendations on the support of commercial institutions for the improvement of the professional qualification of healthcare professionals, prepared by the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee and approved by the Board of the Ministry of Health (2003-01-30)
- Opinion on „The Human Body Exhibition“ (2012)
- Opinion on The Draft Law on Assisted Reproduction No. XIP-2388 and No. XIP -2502 (2010)
- Opinion on the amendment of The Law on the Rights of Patients and Compensation of the Damage to their Health (Draft Law No. XP-2817, provisions of Paragraphs 4-6 of Article 17) (2008)
- Opinion on The Draft Law on the Protection of Human Life during the Prenatal Phase No. XP-432(3) (2008)
- Opinion on The Draft Law on the Burial of Human Remains No.XP-1503(3) (2007)
Last updated: 26-04-2024